Art all around us

We returned home from our 5 week trip to Colorado, to 100 heat and humidity like on full blast. We got spoiled in CO. I dripped yesterday, and I don't drip sweat, i usually glisten a little, but it was brutal walking to the farmers market (even Gray was fussy and i was the one pushing his dang stoller).  Anyway, i started to notice the art around me just at the FM... the baskets of purple eggplant, next to the bright yellow squash, the green and red peppers, the textures of the hydrangeas, the odd shapes of potatoes the reds of the tomatoes, golden honey, chunky salsa, fuzzy peaches, and all the neighbors mingling and chatting.  Then arriving home (soaking wet in my own sweat) i saw art all over our little yard.  The maple tree in full bloom, the purple and pinks of the crepe myrtles, the swaying grass plants, vibrant yellow and purple and pink zinnias and vinca flowers, broad soft leaves of the oak leaf hydrangeas, the shade of the oak trees, camouflage pattern of the trunk of the sycamore tree, the weathered wood on the tree house Allen built for the kids, painted brick, the lavender shoots of the liriope, the smooth stone walkway... wow-Jesus is by far the greatest artist!

 It was easy to swoon over the 14,000 snow covered peaks out west, the beautiful Aspen trees, and the Red Rocks (did i mention i went there), and the Arkansas rivers and tiny streams, and Chalk Cliffs, and wildlife (so many dear, elk-ish things, fox, bear, rainbow trout, chipmunks, bats-eww i know but we had one who loved to hang on our window screen at FR).  But here at home in Mississippi I am still in awe of the Greatest Artist who "is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation... For by him all things were Him and for Him" Col 1:15-16

Below is a picture of the zinnias and vinca flowers that i came home to...


2. our backyard which is lush and wild (just the way we like it) Several different greens, so many textures, pops of reds and pinks and yellows...


3. fireflies (an amazing idea God -thank you) 

4.we brought back some hearts that Jesus gave us (my kids love finding heart rocks for me-sigh)


5. but i will be doing some paintings of those Aspen trees - they amaze me especially when the wind blows those thousands of heart shaped leaves and they shimmer and move like glittering jewlery. Next to the gray textured trunk and they way they all share a root system- ahhh its too much -get me into my studio!  but first i must battle through Wal-mart to buy school supplies, vacuum the spider webs that appeared in my home in our absence, cook breakfast lunch and dinner, take the kids to the pool, the new Minion movie, wash clothes, clean up my flower beds.... soon...