This story starts back in the spring when we were on a road trip somewhere and allen commented -going to Red Rocks was on his bucket list- so he said what if... a cool band was playing right after our assignment at Frontier Ranch in Buena Vista... and what do you know Jesus said yes ( i love when He does that)... Needtobreathe, Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors, Switchfoot and Colony House were stopping there just 2 days after we finished our assignment on their "Tour de Compadres". So we got front row tickets... i know i think i must have sold a painting because we get all sassy when that happens. Then, we decided to bring our sweet Stephen (who rocks out on the drums and needed, needed....yes i know i said it twice... to see a good concert to kick off his little music career-whatever that may be)
If you have been around me in the past 4 months you have heard me subtly mention "going to Red Rocks" because it makes me feel just a little bit cooler... and apparently it makes all the bands there feel cooler too because they ALL said it was their fav venue AND it was "The best concert out of the 14 years of their career" Bear said that one...
So what can I say it was magic, some friends came from the east coast: thomas, eli and jamie, that was amazing! We also saw some cool people we knew from oxford and young life stuff. Stephen got nachos, i LOVED all of the songs, it was definitely a show...lights, confetti, rocking out...
yep thats got extra cheese! oh and hey drew holcomb and the neighbors!
My fav parts were
1. B0 from Needtobreathe -duh, walked up into the crowd on the right side of the amphitheatre, so Bear could sneak waaaaayyy up in the crowd and sung "Difference Maker" (which is one of my fav songs because it reminds me of my Allen) , so cool (and he must be in great shape because we made our way up there and i needed an oxygen machine and prob burned 300 calories with my heart rate up so high!
2.Switchfoot rocked out (i remember them from college and that Mandy Moore movie...where she has leukemia ... "Welcome to the PLanet...welcome to existence...dare you to move..." -i know i missed a few words but if you are in your 30's you remember... i asked Jamie -who is 20 "hey jamie remember that mandy moore movie?" and i'm acting out the song... and she's just staring at me with that half smile..."nooooo". anywho- then they turned out all the lights (just look at the pic below)...
3. Drew Holcomb.
4. When Needtobreathe sang "Keep your Eyes Open"
5. The encore when they sang "Brother" -so cool! Then... all the members of Colony House, Drew Holcomb, Switchfoot and Needtobreathe came out and sang the last song together!
6. Stephen hugged us 18 times and told us "thank you tonight is the 3rd best night of my life!"
7. the next day i got a really sexy raspy voice...