YOGA- our gym was literally one of my favorite places on earth - my best friends would gather to cross fit or TRX and we would laugh at one another, Cory would yell at us occasionally, we cried at times b/c of the literal pain of our muscles tearing apart, or a box jump would go array, it was a happy place for me and i really miss it and i miss my muscles i had earned (ive done pathetically little since moving) so last time i visited Oxford (my home of 9 years) i went to YOGA Friday and hugged some of my friends and it was like coming home and at the end of class when you lay there and teacher comes around and touches you and soft music plays -I suddenly heard a familiar sound- wall balls literally beating down the wall from the next room where a WOD was taking place, then Brooke's baby crawled up and grabbed my eye - then i turned my head to the left and right & 2 of my favorites were lying next to me on the mat and huge tears were spilling down my face and I realized the contentment and peace i felt lying there it was because here i was known...its really good to be known and loved for who you are when you are just being you...
Yoga Fridays
2 of my my besties who frequented yoga fridays with me