2 years ago we were praying - we said "jesus if you want us to stay in Mississippi forever then great, we are up for it...but... if you would have us move- will you have someone pursue allen from YL and will you do it before our oldest kid starts high school ,aaaaand we will only move to Colorado. thank you amen"
so... in may 2016 allen got a call, from colorado and there was a YL college director position open... our oldest kid is in 6th grade...
allen left for Boulder yesterday with Tammy (our 2004 suburban) and i am here with our kids for the last 20 days i will live in Oxford. then we will pack up a u-haul and drive our crazy selves and our stuff to Louisville to live with an extremely kind and generous family until our home sells and we can purchase a home in Boulder... or as close as we can afford.
the night before he left we had a handful of our amazing YL leaders and college friends come over to say good-bye and eat our chips and love on us. then as the kids were getting ready for bed we took them out in the cold night and lay on the trampoline with blankets and looked at the stars. allen explained to our kids what the next few weeks would look like and how when we get a new home in Boulder we would lay under the stars and remember good times in Oxford. He went on to explain to them that "home" is where our family is and not where our stuff is located (since it will ALL be in storage until we find a house) He asked if they had any questions and ellie wanted to know if we could bring our trampoline (yes) and benjamin wanted to know if the stars were the same in colorado and stephen just wants to live in a house in a cool neighborhood so he can have friends. then gray asked "why do we have bones"
we went to bed early and allen started his drive the next morning- he got a flat tire somewhere in oklahoma, but when he went to change the tire the tools and jack were missing -oops! so he prayed and called me and i prayed for him... he then walked to walmart which happened to be .2 miles away and the manager, Poncho drove him to "Tammy" (our suburban) allen used poncho's jack and tools and he brought allen back, replaced the tire and drove him back AGAIN to help him put the new tire back on... ha! NOW THAT was a love letter from Jesus!! even when ch*t happens or especially when c#it happens Jesus is loving us and working thru us and others to serve and love one another!
the adventure continues and we want with all of our hearts to know Jesus more and more and continue to love and serve one another with His joy, peace, freedom, abundant life and rest!
to be continued...