allen and i pick things up from the side of the road sometimes... and over the years ,of all the things we've picked up, my fav were these shutters we found the month before we were we carried them around with us from house to house and across state lines for 13ish years... and they were freaking Awesome and heavy and big- 30"x72". Allen tried to give them away a few times but i held on to his dismay. then i got an idea (see pic's above) and thanks to our amazing and talented friends tim and natalie it became A beauty and quite functional! (see pic below). And I think that's it's So cool that we have been gifted with an imagination: forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses. Then sometimes things from our imagination become reality!
We all are invited to contribute beauty to this world whether it be Creating a painting, Creating dinner, going to a school and teaching children, writing stories (my little Ellie g writes comic books...that's for another day), Acting, Dancing, making up a crossfit WOD, Planning a young life talk, playing with Legos , looking for rolly pollies, whatever we do today there is a creative process to behold because we were made in the likeness of God, Genesis 4:5- He is The Ultimate Creator and we are his creations! that was our original design and that's what is written deep in our hearts! Let's celebrate this wonderful gift and hold it as a great privilege and I am so thankful for the adventure of creating!
And here it is... So beautiful! And a cool reminder of our sweet friends that i get to look at everyday!